Client profile: Join EDuC work to "ensure that future employees, entrepreneurs and business leaders are prepared to reconcile business activities with present and future environmental and social challenges [...] Our core activity is the development, implementation, and dissemination of a sustainability label dedicated to higher education degree programs."
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​My role: Art direction and design for their marketing collateral and corporate materials. I also create content for, design and manage their Social Media presence, see Join EDuC: Content.
The EDuC Label logo design
Rebrand: Design of new Join EDuC logo
Join EDuC decided to change their name and rebrand in 2023. I designed a new logo, as well as a family of logos to represent the platforms they offer to support their clients.
Business Cards
Johanna, Label Ambassador, is conscious that she hands out, and collects, many business cards at every conference she attends — and frequently forgets who they belong to! She wanted a card that would help people to remember her, and that stood out from the usual corporate cards — I suggested creating portraits.
(Naturally, Carina and Mika wanted one too!)
Corporate Brochure
Designed in single pages, distributed as a PDF — this brochure was created to outline their programme and mission. 
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