About Me  |  Infographic  |  See Gallery
Art direction & design  |  LagOmar Museum  |  Guide Book (210 x 99 mm)
Content creation, art direction & design  |  Join EDuC  |  Social media: Gallery
Art direction, logo design & portraits  |  Join EDuC  |  Brand: Gallery
Logo design & design  |  A collection of Business Cards: Gallery
Brand, art direction & design  |  DJ Charlotte Moss  |  CD design: Gallery
Content creation, art direction & design  |  Bianco Noir  |  Social Media: Gallery
Brand, art direction & design  |  Quicksilver Translate  |  A5 flyer  |  Gallery
Content creation & design | Quicksilver Translate | Social Media: Gallery
Art direction & design  |  Mozaika  |  Magazine  165 x 240 mm: Gallery
Design  |  Aeban "Business Angels" Informe  |  A4 Booklet: Gallery
Logo design, art direction & design  |  Moonspooks  |  Labelling
Design  |  Lanzarote Business Association  |  A4 triptico flyer
Brand & design  |  A Little Bit Bazar  |  Vinyl sign and opaque, vinyl window graphics
Design  |  Tri-Sports Lanzarote  |  Vinyl graphics for competition branding
Design  |  BNP Paribas  |  Graphic (used on a mouse mat)
Logo design  |  Verónica Lassus  |  Business Card  |  Gallery
Design  |  Verónica López-Garcia  |  Doctoral Thesis
Re-brand & design  |  Music Hall Tavern  |  Posters and Flyers
Art direction & design  |  Spice Resort  |  Press ad and Poster
Illustration  |  Hitomi  |  Gallery
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